Breast Pain is one of the most common PMS symptoms. Most common of breast issues are breast swelling, enlargement, heavy, pain, warmth, and lumps. Have you noticed that some months you have breast pain and some months you don’t or the severity is different? That’s because every month you are eating, supplementing, or doing something differently, which is why it’s important to balance yourself so you can have symptom free months every month.


Iodine!! Iodine is the best treatment for breast pain. Breast tissue has a lot of estrogen receptors, iodine stabilizes and down-regulates estrogen receptors, so with sufficient iodine breast remain stable. Iodine supplementation has been shown to dramatically reduce breast changes and even reduce the risk of breast cancer. In a recent study showed that 74% of women shows reduced breast discomfort.

It is important to note that iodine all though part of thyroid support in excess can be bad for your thyroid so it is important not to take more then 1,100mcg daily from all sources. You can get from natural food sources or food sources plus supplement with Liquid Kelp. The liquid kelp that I have is 800mcg per dropper, so 1 drop is all you need.  Daily iodine doses of 3,000-6,000 mcg have been used safely in studies of people with fibrocystic breast condition but if you’ve never supplemented with iodine before

ALSO Iodine isn’t just for breast’s for your skin, brain, muscles, salivary glands, etc. and if your breast are experiencing pain, you are most likely deficient, and your health would improve by getting sufficient amount of iodine. Dr. Mercola wrote a detailed article with more iodine info.

Foods with Iodine:

Food Serving Size Iodine
Dried Seaweed 1 gram 16-2984mcg
Cod 3 ounces 99mcg
Iodized Salt (Fortified) 1 gram 77mcg
Baked Potato with peel 1 medium 60mcg
Milk 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) 56mcg
Shrimp 3 ounces 35mcg
Oysters 6 oysters 144mcg
Turkey breast, baked 3 ounces 34mcg
Navy beans, cooked 1/2 cup 32mcg
Tuna, canned in oil 3 ounces (1/2 can) 17mcg
Egg, boiled 1 large 12mcg

While seafood does give us iodine, a lot is contaminated by toxins. Iodized salt does provide most people with the required quantity of iodine some people cannot utilize it well enough.


Vitex Chastberry Extract is another great solution. It inhibits the pituitary hormone prolactin which improves ovulation and progesterone production. It relieves fluid retention and breast tenderness. Vitex has many PMS symptom relief benefits so if you have more then just breast pain, Vitex is a good solution for you. You should see a difference within 2 monthly period cycles. It’s best to take first thing in the morning day starting on day 6 of your period cycle.


I have both Liquid Kelp(Iodine) and Vitex in my Jenius Health Shop and Vitex is offered in my 28 day custom vitamin pack! Interested in having the ease of your vitamins available in daily packs that you start on day 1 of your period???? email me [email protected] and I’ll get you started! 🙂