Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 Articles
Healthy Foods Women's health

Coconut…seriously one of the most versatile and amazing products that I’ve ever heard of for health and hormones

Coconut…it seriously is one of the most versatile and amazing products that I’ve ever heard of for health and hormones. If you’re not already into coconut or decided you don’t “like it” just figure it …

Healthy Foods

Does Size Matter?

​ ….when it comes to cucumbers?? Well I guess it depends what you’re wanting out of it…the bigger the cucumber the more water it if you’re eating it for hydration then YES! If you’re …


Jenius SUPER Green Smoothie

(1 serving)   Organic Cucumber (half) great for the skin! Hydrates & moderate sources of vitamin A, iron, and potassium. Cucumbers also contain sterols, which reduce cholesterol. + Organic Banana (half to whole) good source of potassium …