The life changing Celluma LED Panel….Is technically a 3 in 1 but really it has so many benefits/’s more like a 100 in 1 device!
Skin Science Lesson
The skin produces several key players that you should be aware of in order to understand how the skin ages. Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and glycoproteins are special biological polymers whose key role is to hold moisture in the skin. In addition, the skin produces collagen and elastin, proteins that are responsible for forming the framework of the skin (collagen) and maintaining skin resilience and elasticity (elastin). Increasing the production of collagen and elastin is important in anti-aging treatments, because as we age the amount of collagen and elastin synthesis declines, causing wrinkles and thinning, sagging skin.
Fibroblasts are the most common cells that are responsible for producing collagen and elastin, although both of these proteins are also created by other cells in the body. Let’s focus first on collagen.
As we age the type of collagen in the skin changes and the amount decreases. There are more than 19 different types of collagen in the body, but the types we are most concerned with as estheticians are Type I and Type III. Type I is the most abundant collagen found in the body, occurring in tendons, bones, skin and other tissues – and is particularly present in scar tissue. Type III is common in fast growing tissue, particularly at the first stages of wound repair, much of this collagen being replaced later by the stronger and tougher Type I collagen. Babies have a large amount of collagen III in their bodies, giving them their soft, supple, elastic skin. As body growth slows down, the amount of type III collagen decreases, while the amount of type I collagen increases until about the age of 35. At this time, the amount of collagen I begins to decline as well. I also have clients that swear by BioSil, which I also personally take. But remember, there are lots of different options out there for you. You can have collagen in your coffee, in capsules, as powder, in oil, the list goes on! It’s all about looking into the different options and deciding which works best for you.
It is important to note that simply having a lot of collagen in your skin is not enough. Even having the right mix of collagen is not enough. It is crucial that the collagen be undamaged and properly deposited. Young, healthy fibroblasts deposits collagen that has a coherent and orderly structure. When collagen is damaged by external factors such as UV rays, free radicals, impaired glucose metabolism (glycation), smoking or other factors, its structure becomes distorted, leading to poor skin texture, wrinkles and other imperfections.
This is a very complicated subject, but to state it simply – when you turn 35 – 40, the quantity and quality of collagen fibers degrades, and it becomes very important to boost collagen synthesis as an anti-aging strategy.
Elastin is responsible for the ability of tissues to resume their original shape after being pinched or pulled. The red-headed step-sister of collagen, elastin tends to be a neglected topic in skincare due to the excessive focus in the skincare industry on increasing collagen production. Less is known about boosting the elastin content in the skin, yet stimulating its production it is just as important as collagen in your anti-aging strategy.
Activating the fibroblasts is the only way to boost collagen (and presumably elastin) production in the skin. Traditionally, we use topicals, peels and lasers to clear up damaged collagen and stimulate the production of more regular, new collagen. Light emiting diodes (LEDs) trigger photomodulation, a non-thermal, non-ablative cellular stimulation. The application of LED triggers a photobiochemical response, activating fibroblasts deep in the dermal and subcutaneous layer to promote healing and repair in these layers. LED photomodulation can also suppress collagenase, a collagen-degrading enzyme that can accelerate our skin’s aging process. In addition, LED can also stimulate the energy-producing mitochondria to enhance wound healing and decrease the inflammatory response.
Celluma has the unique feature of combining these three wavelengths of light to create a powerful treatment for our skin therapy practice. The Blue setting also includes a small amount of Red and Infrared, useful in stimulating an anti-inflammatory response. The Red setting has the most equal amounts of Blue, Red and Infrared, which is extremely useful in anti-aging treatments, the management of Rosacea and any other inflammatory issues on the face. The Infrared setting has the smallest amount of Blue, and also some Red for stimulating the fibroblasts between 8 – 25 mm into the skin.
AMAZING Celluma LED by BioPhotas INFO
Based on NASA research, Celluma patented, pulse-wave technology controlled by proprietary software algorithms delivers blue, red and near-infrared light energy simultaneously to safely treat a wide variety of conditions easily and affordably. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes. The benefits of using three different wavelengths is that light absorbing molecules use the various wavelengths as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes. For example the various wavelengths and the red (640nm,) blue (465nm,) and infrared (880nm) lights reduce inflammation, stimulate collagen production, and some kill bacteria, while others enhance localized circulation.
Its unique flexible design and extra large light panel facilitates effective energy absorption by tissue and molds closely to the body for more effective outcomes.
As a Class II Medical Device Celluma is FDA cleared to treat: Wrinkles, Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris, Diminished Local Blood Circulation, Muscle & Joint Stiffness, Muscle Tissue Tension, Muscle & Joint Pain, Muscle Spasm, and Arthritis.
There is no harmful thermal effect to tissue and no danger to the eye. This makes the Celluma a viable, safe, and affordable alternative to cold lasers which have similar indications for use.
Red Light Therapy benefits:
Stimulates collagen formation
- Increases ATP {fuel for our cells}
- Stimulates cell turnover
- Minimizes mild scaring
- Reduces hyper-pigmentation
- Minimizes pore size
- Reduces wound healing time
- Reduces inflammation
- Smoother and improved surface texture
- Reduces pigmentation
- Increases circulation and moisture retention.
Blue LED Light Therapy benefits:
- Minimizes {inflamed and non-inflamed} acne conditions
- Emits a single oxygen molecule to retard the growth of bacteria
- Proportions bacteria: 90% of the contributing factors to acne.
Near Infrared Therapy Benefits:
- Increases circulation: The increased circulation heals and repairs damaged skin tissue. This increase in circulation also causes the body to rid itself of wastes and toxins
- Detoxification, near infrared light has been shown in studies to penetrate deep within tissue, potentially unlocking even hard to reach toxins.
- Stimulates the production of collagen which lessens build up of scar tissue.
- Reduces overall redness, skin damage, and dilated capillaries.
- Improves healing of acne, lessen coarseness, and help sun-damaged skin.
- Wrinkle reducer and diminishes skin effects from aging, smoking, and weather.
- Increases lymphatic system activity. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be doubled with the use of light therapy.
- Increases RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more promptly. RNA, Ribonucleic Acid, a polymeric constituent of all living cells.
- A series of Celluma Mini Facials can help reduce and control acne, diminish hyperpigmentation, and rejuvenate your skin by stimulating cellular activity. Series are done in twice weekly visits for optimum results.
Near Infrared LED penetrates deeper into the skin, to a depth of about 25 mm. Infrared is also beneficial in healing wounds, cuts, scars and infections along with stimulating the deeper tissues, resulting in a healing effect on muscles deep in the subcutaneous tissues.
Research has shown that near infrared penetrates deepest to treat musculoskeletal pain, the red wavelength penetrates into the dermal layer to activate fibroblasts and increase circulation. Blue kills the bacteria associated with acne lesions. All 3 work together simultaneously to maximize results!
Available Services: (In Los Angeles your home)
Celluma LED Facial Therapy 30 Minute Treatment $125 (packages available)
LED light therapy is proven to trigger the body to convert light energy into cell energy without thermal heat. LED therapy is a non-invasive treatment that requires no down time. For best results, each 30 minute treatment area is scheduled twice a week for 4 weeks.
Red light therapy offers a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage and redness in the skin, while stimulating collagen production.
Blue light therapy is a very effective acne treatment, which often produces drastic results with absolutely no down time.
Near infrared therapy is used for cell health and skin rejuvenation , FDA approved for pain reduction, inflammation reduction, and more.
Schedule your appointment today:
email: [email protected]
call/text: 818.923.1313